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The Hairy Ape


Although The Hairy Ape has an effective, improvised "score" based at first on the sounds of a stoke-hole — metal shovels scraping on metal decking, whistles, escaping steam and the slamming of the furnace doors and later sounds of the city, music is not deeply ingrained into the texture of the play. Four songs are called for: a drinking song, "Beer, Beer, Glorious Beer," a chanty, "Whisky Johnny," a sentimental song sung by a drunken tenor, "Far Away in Canada," and in mockery of Yank, the morose hairy ape, the misanthropic folk song "The Miller of Dee."

O'Neill quotes four lines of "Far Away in Canada" near the beginning of the first scene. He apparently took it for granted that this was a tune everyone knew, but it has not been located. In the radio version, directed by Jose Quintero, Kevin Symons sang the tune included here.

(A voice starts brawling a song) "Beer, beer, glorious beer! Fill yourselves right up to here."
Choke off dat noise! Where d'yuh get dat beer stuff? Beer, hell! Beer's for goils and Dutchmen. Me for somep'n wit a kick to it! Gimme a drink, one of youse guys. [II, 122; cf. The Personal Equation, I, 352]

Beer, Beer, Glorious Beer - words and music by Harry Anderson, Steve Leggett, and Will Goodwin, published 1901

PaddyI'm never too drunk to sing. 'Tis only when I'm dead to the world I'd be wishful to sing at all (with a sort of sad contempt) "Whisky Johnny" ye want? A chanty, ye want? Now that's a queer wish from the ugly like of you, God help you. But no matther. (He starts to sing in a thin, nasal, doleful tone.) [II, 123; cf. The Personal Equation, I, 351-2]

Whisky Johnny - traditional

Yank (fiercely contemptuous) Shut up, yuh lousy boob! Where d'yuh get dat tripe? Home? Home, hell!... T'hell wit home!... Dis is home, see? [I, 124]

Far Away in Canada - music by Karl Brix

Yank ( a flash, interrupts Paddy with a slap on the bare back like a report) Dat's de stuff! Now yuh're gettin' wise to somep'n. Care for nobody, dat's de dope! To hell wit 'em all! And nix on nobody else carin'. I kin care for myself, get me! [II, 129]

The Miller of Dee - traditional


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