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Eugene O'Neill: A Poet's Quest

Skinner, Richard Dana
New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1935
First edition, with dust jacket

    NOTES:  With a chronology of O'Neill's plays as furnished by O'Neill.



O'Neill's entire career is recreated as a poet's quest, comparable to a saint's pilgrimage.  An interesting study, carefully drawn, but effective only if the reader accepts Catholic doctrine.  Otherwise, an able discussion of the positions the plays occupy in O'Neill's life, based on a chronology of composition supplied by O'Neill himself.  Although Skinner realizes other plays are yet to come, his conclusions would indicate O'Neill has "arrived" at the goal of his quest in Days Without End.  The chronology, allowing for some inaccuracies in O'Neill's memory, is the most valuable item in the book.Miller


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